Rotarian Patti Phillips gave a brief history of The Dr. Jimmy Williams Service Award which has been awarded by the club since 1980. She then introduced Emily Labows and her family. Rotarian Patti then introduced two guests, Ron Williams, City of Virginia Beach Deputy City Manager, and Linwood Branch, former member of the Virginia Beach City Council, who provided kind remarks about Emily and cites the many projects and cultural art events that Emily has been involved in with the City. Rotarian Patti Phillips, Rotarian Dot Wood and President Hearst Vann then presented a personalized crystal statue to the honoree. Following a standing ovation, Emily then provided a brief acceptance speech, thanking the Rotary Club for the award and honor and especially thanked everyone who attended in her honor and cited various persons who had helped her through the years in her job.
Twelve (12) Club members (Bob, Dan, Dot, Eva, Hearst, Mac, Mike, Patti, Richard, Ross, Steve and Wayne) and 48 guests met at the Crowne Plaza for our annual Outstanding City Employee Recognition Dinner. Attending as Emily Spruill Labows RSVP list were her husband Greg and daughter Caroline, Linwood and Robin Branch, Debby Collins, Carolyn and Marvin Garrett, Nina Goodale, Kami Hines, Barbra Lewis and Mark Hudgins, Pam Matthias, Martha McClees, Amanda Moorman, Jean Jenkins and Mike Newell, Kate Pittman, executive director of the ViBe Creative District (see her attached press release), Hillary and Mike Plate, Mac and Jean Rawls, Linda and Steve Spruill, and Hazel Turner. Three (3) other guests attended as Emily’s guests: Rachana Adyanthaya, Natalie Biggie and Elliott Jones.
President Hearst Vann began the evening’s event at 7:10 p.m. with the Call to Order and Welcome. Past President Bob gave the invocation and Rotarian Ross led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The club members and their guests enjoyed a very nice meal prepared by the Crowne Plaza staff.
Following dinner, President Hearst Vann recognized the former and current city officials including Rosemary Wilson, the City Council member in attendance. President Hearst then turned over the program to Rotarian Patti Phillips who gave a brief history of The Dr. Jimmy Williams Service Award which has been awarded by the club since 1980. She then introduced Emily Labows and her family. Rotarian Patti then introduced two guests, Ron Williams, City of Virginia Beach Deputy City Manager, and Linwood Branch, former member of the Virginia Beach City Council, who provided kind remarks about Emily and cites the many projects and cultural art events that Emily has been involved in with the City. Rotarian Patti Phillips, Rotarian Dot Wood and President Hearst Vann then presented a personalized crystal statue to the honoree. Following a standing ovation, Emily then provided a brief acceptance speech, thanking the Rotary Club for the award and honor and especially thanked everyone who attended in her honor and cited various persons who had helped her through the years in her job.
Following Emily’s remarks, President Hearst provided a brief overview of the club’s activities and upcoming meetings and events. He then thanked everyone for attending this evening’s meeting and closed the meeting with the Rotary 4-Way Test. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.